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Terran Confederation "Murphy" Fast Destroyer

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Terran Confederation Murphy Class Fast Destroyer.jpg

Name: Murphy Class Fast Destroyer
Craft: Terran Confederation Murphy Class Fast Destroyer
Type: Fast Destroyer
Scale: capital
Length: 500 meters
Skill: capital ship pilot
Crew: 1,000; Skeleton:100/+10
Passengers: 248 passengers; 46 Hospital patients; & 115 prisoners
Cargo Capacity: 6,400 metric tons
Consumables: 84 months
Primary Jump Drive: x1
Secondary Jump Drive: x10
Tertiary Jump Drive: x100
Nav Computer: yes
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 4
Atmosphere: 280; 800 km/h
Hull: 8D
Shields: 3D

  • Passive: 25 / 0D+2
  • Scan: 50 / 1D+1
  • Search: 75 / 1D+2
  • Focus: 3 / 2D+1


  • 3 Dual Long Range Lasers
Fire Arc: 3 turrets
Crew: 1
Scale: walker
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-8/20/40
Atmosphere Range: 10-800/2,000/4,000m
Damage: 4D+2
  • 5 Long Range Lasers
Fire Arc: 5 turrets
Crew: 1
Scale: walker
Skill: starship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-8/20/40
Atmosphere Range: 10-800/2,000/4,000m
Damage: 3D+2
  • 2 Light Ordnance Banks
Fire Arc: 2 turrets
Crew: 2
Scale: capital
Skill: capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+2
Space Range: 1-18/45/90
Atmosphere Range: 2-36/90/180km
Ammo: 25 Enhanced Long Range Image Recognition (ELRIR) Missiles
Damage: 10D+1
  • Electronic Counter Measure Module
Fire Arc: all
Crew: 1
Skill: sensors
Space Range: 1-5/13/25
Atmosphere Range: 10-500/1,300/2,500m
Effects: Enemy Sensors and Fire Control -1D


  • External Docking Port: 2
  • Phase Shields: While active the ship becomes immune to all forms of damage provided it is not hit by anything that can bypass its shields (such as Anti-Matter Guns or torpedoes).
  • Escape Pods: 8

Ship Complement

Description: The Murphy-class Destroyer was a Terran Confederation capital starship in the Wing Commander universe. The first appearance of these destroyers was in the computer game Wing Commander: Secret Ops.

Muprhy-class destroyers are first seen in the Secret Operations expansion for Wing Commander: Prophecy. Pilot Lance Casey and a group of his wingmen escort two Murphy-class destroyers, along with a Plunkett-class Heavy Artillery Cruiser, back to the TCS Cerberus in the Ella system in 2681.

These destroyers were equipped three heavy dual laser turrets, four heavy laser turrets, and four Image Recognition missiles. This arsenal was enough to face-off against small enemy capital ships and enemy fighter groups.
